Work Plan
Our Work Plan is the guiding compass of TRANSEATION project. It’s meticulously designed into 18 work packages, each with its unique objectives and deliverables. These work packages represent the building blocks of our project, encompassing key tasks, milestones, and outcomes. By following this structured approach, we ensure a comprehensive coverage of all project aspects and a systematic progression towards our goals.
WP 1 & 2 - Project Management and Coordination
Lead by CTN , this work package ensures the execution of the project according to contracts ensuring efficient co-ordination, fluent communication partners and the EC, timely reporting, and delivery of results.
WP 3 - EBM framework for hybrid blue grey infrastructures
Lead by IOW, work package 3 will advance the Systems Approach into a practical Ecosystem-Based Management (EBM) Framework by providing systematic and stepwise guidance for planning, developing, implementing, monitoring, and evaluating hybrid Nature-based Solutions (NbS).
WP 4 - Coastal protection infrastructure demonstrator I: development
Lead by ECOOCEAN, work package 4 will test and validate coastal protection infrastructure as a Nature-based Solution (NbS) by conducting pre-deployment measurements and modeling for the selected deployment site, designing and constructing an artificial reef infrastructure, and deploying the artificial reef at the chosen location.
WP 5 - Coastal protection infrastructure demonstrator II: development
Lead by GEOCORAIL/SEACURE, work package 5 will test and validate coastal protection infrastructure as a Nature-based Solution (NbS) by conducting pre-deployment measurements and modeling at the selected site, designing and constructing an artificial reef infrastructure, and deploying the artificial reef at the chosen location.
WP 6 - Offshore wind farm infrastructure demonstrator: development
Lead by SAITEC, work package 6 will test and validate offshore wind farm infrastructure as a Nature-based Solution (NbS) by identifying optimal locations on DemoSATH, adapting and installing LBUs and SRUs, and applying insights to the Medfloat precommercial park.
WP 7 - Low trophic aquaculture infrastructure demonstrator: development
Lead by AZTI, work package 7 will test and validate low-trophic aquaculture infrastructure as a Nature-based Solution (NbS) by designing, developing, and implementing experimental aquaculture systems, and enhancing biobased ropes for mussel and seaweed IMTA in longline and raft demonstrators.
WP 8 - Hybrid infrastructures demonstrators: monitoring
Lead by Ocean Ecostructures, work package 8 will monitor demonstrator infrastructures by overseeing coastal protection, offshore wind farms, and low-trophic aquaculture systems implemented as Nature-based Solutions (NbS).
WP 9 - Citizen science digital application
Lead by SPOTTERON, work package 9 will design and develop the citizen science digital platform by launching the first public version of the Citizen Science participation toolkit and expanding it with additional planned functionalities.
WP 10 - Hybrid infrastructure mangamenet tool I
Lead by CTN, work package 10 will design and develop a comprehensive Data Sharing Platform to facilitate data sharing and access for providers, developers, and regulators. This platform will integrate data from NbS infrastructure demonstrators, monitoring, social engagement, and public repositories, ensuring traceability and making it available to the public and other European observation platforms.
WP 11 - Hybrid infrastructure mangamenet tool II
Lead by CTN, work package 10 aims to design and develop a hybrid infrastructure management tool featuring a 3D digital twin of each hybrid blue-grey infrastructure. This tool will provide insights from data collected in previous work packages, generate predictive scenarios, and assess the effectiveness of these Nature-based Solutions (NbS) to support informed decision-making.
WP 12 & 13 - Social engagement and up scaling
Lead by Sintef Ocean, work package 10 aims to design and define a standard methodology for engaging relevant stakeholders, including public and private actors, to ensure active participation in the co-creation process. This will involve establishing a common methodology for stakeholder engagement in the demonstrator areas, encouraging their involvement, and considering their input, while identifying and engaging with key stakeholders in each demonstrator.
WP 14 - Evidence-Based Effectiveness Evaluation of Hybrid Blue-Grey Infrastructures in Project Demonstrators
Lead by Centro Euro Mediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici (CMCC), this work package will facilitate the effective implementation and scaling-up of blue-grey infrastructures by consolidating evidence-based knowledge. It will gather technical, ecological, environmental, financial, economic, and social impact data to assess effectiveness. Additionally, the Systems Approach will be adapted to align with the specific characteristics and requirements of these infrastructures.
WP 15 - Framework development for "blue buildings" rating system
Lead by Green Living Projects (GLP), this work package will develop an innovative framework for a blue buildings rating system. It will establish a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) for hybrid coastal and marine infrastructures, gathering, structuring, and transforming relevant data to create a comprehensive building program manual.
WP 16 & 17 - Communication & Dissemination
Lead by CTN, work packages 16 and 17 focus on disseminating and promoting TRANSEATION’s results to stakeholders and the public. It includes the creation and launch of the project website, the development of informational and educational materials, and strategic outreach to local administrations, scientific communities, and the general public to ensure effective communication and impact.
WP 18 - Exploitation
Lead by CTN, work package 18 focuses on developing business and operational plans for hybrid infrastructures, ensuring their economic feasibility. It includes planning for hybrid coastal protection, designing a sustainable business model for hybrid offshore wind farms, and outlining the industrial implementation of low-trophic hybrid aquaculture. By leveraging environmental, social, and economic data, it will validate the transformation of environmental benefits into socio-economic gains.