
Welcome to the Deliverables page of the TRANSEATION project.

On this page, you will find publicly accessible deliverables that highlight the progress, outcomes, and innovative solutions developed throughout the project. These deliverables reflect our commitment to advancing research and fostering collaboration to protect and restore marine ecosystems.

The TRANSEATION project focuses on demonstrating the effectiveness of hybrid blue-grey infrastructures and pioneering a new level of ecosystem-based management. By combining nature-based solutions, social engagement, and digitalization, we aim to safeguard marine ecosystem health and the essential services they provide.

Below, you can explore key findings, methodologies, and recommendations aimed at stakeholders, researchers, policymakers, and the broader community.

We invite you to review these deliverables and join us in our mission to protect marine life through innovative solutions and collective action.

D1.2 – Data Management Plan

The purpose of the data in the TRANSEATION project is to provide a robust foundation for validating the effectiveness of hybrid blue-grey infrastructures in marine and coastal ecosystem-based management. This data will enable the analysis of benefits and tradeoffs associated with nature-based solutions and facilitate the development of digital monitoring tools.

D9.1 – Launch of project’s Citizen Science App Tolkit

SPOTTERON, one of the partners of the project launched the first prototype version of the project’s interactive participatory toolkit for Citizen Science data submission, integrated public engagement functionalities, and project to user communication. The toolkit consists of mobile applications for Android and IOS (iPhone/iPad), an interactive web-application for contributing to the project in the browser on desktops and laptops, and a data administration interface, allowing the project team to access and manage the data, download data exports and work with the user community.

D12.1 – Roadmap for Staholders Engagement

Stakeholder engagement in the TRANSEATION project will follow a series of steps. These steps are inspired by the BiodivERsA Stakeholder Engagement Handbook (Durham et al., 2014), and they help to structure the engagement process, ensuring that all demonstrators approach stakeholder engagement systematically.

D16.1 – Dissemination, Communication and Stakeholders Engagement Plan

The DCSE Plan for TRANSEATION outlines a strategic approach for sharing the project’s objectives and results. It emphasizes the project’s identity, focusing on nature-based solutions, hybrid blue-grey infrastructures, and comprehensive ecosystem management.


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