About the project

The TRANSEATION project is working on three new types of structures that can help protect our coasts and oceans. These are:
    1. An artificial reef that can help regenerate marine life and protect our coasts.
    2. A floating wind turbine that can generate energy while also helping to restore marine ecosystems.
    3. New types of fishing gear that are based on natural materials and are designed to have a minimal impact on the environment.
These structures are at different stages of development, and they are being tested in real-world conditions to see how well they work. The project is also involving local communities in the design and testing process, to make sure these solutions meet their needs and are accepted by them. TRANSEATION is a projectg funded by the European Union and aims to protect our aquatic environments.


The TRANSEATION project is focused on implementing three distinct strategies aimed at enhancing marine and coastal infrastructures across their entire life cycle. The project has identified five specific objectives:


To apply Ecosystem-Based Management (EBM) through a system approach. This involves integrating hybrid Nature-based Solutions (NbS) into marine and coastal infrastructures. The aim is to support the preservation and restoration of marine biodiversity and ecosystem services, while simultaneously addressing multiple social challenges, including environmental, social, and economic benefits.


To demonstrate the effectiveness of three types of coastal and marine infrastructures as hybrid NbS. These infrastructures are designed to preserve ecosystems and support their restoration, taking into account their potential for replication and scaling up.


To identify limiting factors, gaps, and current issues of the existing Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) initiative regarding “blue building”, a concept that recognices water as the source of all life versus any other media carrying energy. This involves establishing connections with previous projects to learn from their experiences.


To conduct an analysis in order to understand the benefits and potential trade-offs of these hybrid solutions in the short and long term. This is crucial for the protection and restoration of marine biodiversity and ecosystem services.


Lastly, to employ digital solutions for the monitoring and analysis of marine and coastal infrastructures. This also includes fostering social involvement in these efforts, ensuring that the community is actively engaged in the project’s initiatives.


Output 1:

To demonstrate the effectiveness of three types of coastal and marine infrastructures as hybrid NbS. These infrastructures are designed to preserve ecosystems and support their restoration, taking into account their potential for replication and scaling up.

Output 2:

Two coastal protection structures that are “hybrid blue-grey solutions”. This term refers to solutions that combine natural (blue) and man-made (grey) elements to help protect and restore our coasts.

Output 3:

An offshore wind energy structure that is also a hybrid blue-grey solution, generating renewable energy while helping to protect marine life.

Output 4:

Two trophic aquaculture structures as hybrid blue-grey solutions. These structures are designed to have a minimal impact on the environment and help support the growth of marine life.

Output 5:

A program for creating marine structures that can regenerate over time, helping to sustain our marine ecosystems.


Tool 1

Data sharing platform of true and traceble data.

Tool 2

Digital Twin of 3 type of hybrid blue-gray infrastuctures for data exploration and research. A “Digital Twin” is a virtual replica of a physical object, person, or process that allows us to simulate and understand how something works in real life without having to directly experiment with the physical object or system.

Tool 3

Citizen Science app for enabling participation and co-creation.

Pilot areas

Coming soon


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