TRANSEATION project is working on four new types of structures that can help protect our coasts and oceans. These are:




To apply Ecosystem-Based Management (EBM) through a system approach. This involves integrating hybrid Nature-based Solutions (NbS) into marine and coastal infrastructures. The aim is to support the preservation and restoration of marine biodiversity and ecosystem services, while simultaneously addressing multiple social challenges, including environmental, social, and economic benefits.


To demonstrate the effectiveness of three types of coastal and marine infrastructures as hybrid NbS. These infrastructures are designed to preserve ecosystems and support their restoration, taking into account their potential for replication and scaling up.


To identify limiting factors, gaps, and current issues of the existing Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) initiative regarding “blue building”, a concept that recognices water as the source of all life versus any other media carrying energy. This involves establishing connections with previous projects to learn from their experiences.


To conduct an analysis in order to understand the benefits and potential trade-offs of these hybrid solutions in the short and long term. This is crucial for the protection and restoration of marine biodiversity and ecosystem services.


To employ digital solutions for the monitoring and analysis of marine and coastal infrastructures. This also includes fostering social involvement in these efforts, ensuring that the community is actively engaged in the project’s initiatives.


Output 1

A verified Ecosystem-Based Management framework for future marine and coastal infrastructures supporting restoration of marine ecosystem health and services.

Foto de <a href="https://unsplash.com/es/@jugoralski?utm_content=creditCopyText&utm_medium=referral&utm_source=unsplash">Julia Goralski</a> en <a href="https://unsplash.com/es/fotos/banco-de-peces-I7TNAHu8uBg?utm_content=creditCopyText&utm_medium=referral&utm_source=unsplash">Unsplash</a><br />
Artificial reef, ECOOCEAN

Output 2

Two coastal protection infrastructures as hybrid blue-grey NbS.

Output 3

An offshore wind energy infrastructure as hybrid blue-grey NbS.

Demosath platform, SAITEC
Long-lines, AZTI.

Output 4

Two low trophic aquaculture infrastructure as hybrid blue-grey NbS.

Output 5

A regenerative building program for marine infrastructures.

Foto de Saad Salim en Unsplash


Innovative Tool 1

Data Sharing Platform of true and traceable data

Innovative Tool 2

Digital Twin of hybrid blue-grey infrastructures for data and research

Innovative Tool 3

Citizen Science app for enabling participation and co-creation


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