Advancing Ecosystem-Based Management through Hybrid Blue-Grey Infrastructures in Marine and Coastal Areas


By CTN Editorial Staff

Successful Kick-Off Event Marks the Beginning of TRANSEATION

We are thrilled to announce that our in-person kick-off event was a resounding success!

The event commenced with an engaging presentation that provided a comprehensive overview of the project’s background. This session offered valuable insights into the project’s scope, objectives, and anticipated outcomes, setting the stage for the exciting journey ahead.

To foster a welcoming and collaborative atmosphere, we initiated the event with a fun and interactive ice-breaking activity. This activity not only helped participants get to know each other better but also set a positive tone for the rest of the day.

The highlight of the event was a series of informative presentations that delved deep into the project’s scope. These presentations showcased the diverse demonstrators planned for implementation across our various pilot sites. By highlighting these specific initiatives, we were able to gain a deeper understanding of the unique activities and goals for each pilot area.

We were honoured to have Ivan Conesa Alcolea as a special guest at our event. His presentation provided invaluable insights into the current policy landscape and related initiatives, enriching our understanding of the broader implications of our project. His expertise added significant value to our discussions and helped contextualise our work within the larger framework of EU policies and goals.

Building closer ties with our partners

In addition to the presentations, we explored various aspects of project management. We actively participated in workshops designed to strengthen connections among our partner organisations. These sessions were instrumental in forging closer ties with our collaborators, ensuring that we are well-prepared to work together effectively throughout the project’s duration.

The kick-off event served as a crucial launchpad for our project, laying a solid foundation for the fruitful collaborations that lie ahead. We are excited to embark on this journey together and look forward to working closely with each of our partners in the coming years.

The enthusiasm and commitment displayed by all participants at the kick-off event have set a positive tone for the project’s future, and we are confident that this collaborative spirit will drive us towards achieving our shared goal.

Horizon Europe | TRANSEATION project

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